sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

Feature article - Matheus Galantine

Haiti Devastation

As consequências do terremoto no Haiti The Haiti, in 02/12/2010, suffered a great disaster, an earthquake of 7.0 points in richter scale that destroyed almost everything there.  According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake struck about 10 miles deep, 22 miles from Port au Prince. Something very similar occurred in Japan, a 7.3 points earthquake, but they didn’t suffered many damage from the earthquake itself, this proves Haiti wasn’t prepared for something of that magnitude. This one anteceded another two others earthquakes. Those three caused over than 200 thousands of deaths.
I’ve chosen this theme because earthquakes are very dangerous and have a mass destruction power, they can destroy almost everything that it affects and can cause other natural disasters, like tsunamis or eruptions.
The UN announced that 1.2 billion were allocated in aid to Haiti and sent in troops and humanitarian aid, plus 17 search and rescue teams. This is a great help and, if invested right, could solve this problem once and for all.
Mulher sendo salva dos escombros causados pelo terremotoSo I can conclude that earthquakes are a big problem and everyone should be prepared for the worst.

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