sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

Feature article - Victor Hugo

It’s getting hot, baby!

The importance of the global warming

 The global warming is the increase of temperature on Earth. It is caused by human activities. Many scientists believe that the main cause is the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This gases come from the burn of fossil fuels on cars, trains, industries and a lot of other manmade technologies. The greenhouse effect is a natural thing that warm the Earth to make it a habitable place. But all that pollution gases are increasing this effect, making the temperature higher than normal.
This problem will affect all of us, doesn’t matter where we live, because the entire world will suffer with it. The increases of the temperature will affect human activities like agriculture, human and animal health and where we live. With the climate change, more hurricanes can appear and the glaciers are melting so the sea level is growing. That means that land along the coasts is beginning to disappear under water. A small nation on Pacific called Kiribati is already moving your habitants to another places. A lot of plants and animals species may become extinct because of their habitat can be destroyed.
But the bigger problem is that humanity is still damaging the atmosphere even knowing it will worse this situation. Some countries started to adopt sustainable alternatives to polluter technologies, but there are a lot of nations that don’t care about global warming. It isn’t just a scientific, but a politician problem too. On a interview, the scientist James Lovelock said "And that’s not the case with climate change because we can still avoid its worst impacts. We know that we already have all of the technologies needed to slow climate change down.  We only lack the political will to go up against vested interests".
A lot of scientists are gathering on debates in all the parts of the world to discuss what is going to happens with the increasing of the temperature and what can we do about that. But the fact is that it’s time to be more careful with our planet, because we and the future generations will suffer the consequences of the damaging of our home.


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